Saturday, December 5, 2015

A Warning To Those Deceived By ISIS

Author: Shaikh Usaamah Al 'Utaybee
Source:, 5th of Muharram 1436.
Translator: Abu 'Abdis Salaam Al Juyaanee 5th of Safar 1437

Q: As Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuhu

My brother Usaamah -may Allah bless you- I have a brother who is afflicted by the methodology of ISIS and supports them. He says they are upon the truth and that they are the victorious sect. (In addition), he says that the scholars are scholars for the ruler and that it is not permitted to follow them because their way contradicts the way of the Messenger (ﷺ). (He claims that the scholars) are afraid of the ruler(s) and thus are incapable of issuing a verdict of Jihaad out of fear of imprisonment. (He says that) Jihaad is an obligation upon the Muslims, especially the Arab constituents (in the Arab countries). He asks, "Why is that they said that there was Jihaad in Syria (in the beginning of the conflict) and then later, they said it was terrorism and that it was not permissible to help and support (those fighting against the Asad regime)." He says, "Is this not but a contradiction and hypocrisy" and Allah's refuge is sought. We hope that Shaikh Usaamah would answer us and clarify that which is obligated upon the scholars and Muslims as relates to Syria, Iraq, Yemen, the women that are unlawfully seized (and forced into slavery) and the children and people that are displaced (by these conflicts). (And finally) what are the differences between Ahlus Sunnah and ISIS? May Allah bless you.
A:Wa Alaikumus Salaam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuhu
The victorious sect, their description has come in the authentic Hadeeth; they are,
The Jamaa'ah.
And in a Hadeeth that is Hasan,
That which I and my companions are upon today.
These narration are met by Ahlus Sunnah with acceptance, they transmit them in their books (on the subject) of Creed and unanimously agree on the authenticity of their meaning, that they (the victorious sect) are (first and foremost) the scholars of the Sunnah without exception.

We know that ISIS is NOT the Jamaa'aah. Rather, they are an astray sect and the party from the parties of Shaytaan. They are NOT upon that which the Prophet (ﷺ) and his companions were upon. In fact, they are a filthy sect from the Khawaarij and the Khawaarij are the dogs of the (Hell) Fire. They kill the people of Islam (i.e. the Muslims) and they leave alone the people of idolatry. They have small teeth (i.e. they are young) and moronic in thinking. They war against the scholars and declare the scholars, Muslim rulers and (general) Muslims as being disbelievers (who have apostates from the religion).

You will even find that they utilize some disbelieving Christians, even with their hatred (in the commissioning of their atrocities) by having them arrange their travel to some Muslim countries in order to taint the name of Islam. These individuals act criminally and their corruption is in fact a completion of that which was started in today's (time) by Al Qaida (with the heinous) crime they committed at the Twin Towers in New York. The Disbelievers (took advantage of this situation and in retaliation) set out to annihilates and destroy them by (first using it as a) justification to (war against) Afghanistan, then Iraq and (ultimately justifying) the interest of today, which the disbelievers are delighted with due (to the justification allotted to them to continue to spread their campaign) as a result of Al Qaida and ISIS to Syria, Iraq and Yemen.

May Allah's curse be upon Al Qaida, may Allah's curse be upon ISIS. How much corruption have they spread in the earth?! How much have they distorted (the perception) of Allah's religion?! How much innocent Muslim blood have they spilt?! How many babies have died (because of them)?! How many women have been made widowed (due to them)?! How many women, children and elderly have been killed (by them)?! Such barbarism has not been committed in the annals of history against the Muslims except at the hands of the Christians and the Mongols during their crusades against the people of the Islam. ISIS resembles Hitler, the filthy polytheist Nazi criminal. ISIS resembles the atheist communists during their war to unite the Soviet Union and others who are similar to them from the disbelieving Jews and Christians. The actions of ISIS have absolutely no connection to Islam; rather, they wage war against Islam and its people.

The scholars (of Ahlus Sunnah) have never issued a verdict declaring (all out) Jihad in Syria due to the absence of a legitimate government under whose banner to fight and a (legitimate) Muslim ruler who would lead them. (Currently), there are only present (in Syria) groups, factions and parties who are fighting against the polytheist Nusayree enemy (Bashar Al Asad). (This individual) who is aided and supported by the Raafidee (Shite) of Iran, Lebanon and Iraq. (The diverse factions in Syria who oppose Asad) are (all) fighting against one another. Thus, those scholars who have issued verdicts mentioning Jihad, only (meant) the Jihad of defense against the onslaught of the enemy and to protect oneself. However, even with this, the scholars have warned people from going to Syria because it is a place of calamity, turmoil, devastation and (a place where) the Muslims are (falsely) declared as being apostates. Due to these reasons the scholars have forbidden the youth from going there (to join in this conflict).

In fact, the only ones who encourage the (people) to go to Syria and to fight and who call this fighting Jihad are the Qa'dah of the Khawaarij, (the likes) Al Umar, Al Ulwaan, Al Buraik and others like them from the callers of Fitnah and civil unrest.

The scholars of the Sunnah are firm upon the truth. They do not appease the rulers nor do they issue verdicts in accordance to their desires. They only issue verdicts that are in compliance with the monotheistic Islamic legislation. For Allah's sake, they do not fear the blame of the blamers. They explain the truth even if it is bitter (to those being addressed).

So whoever thinks good of the despicable ISIS, Al Qaida, the Muslim Brotherhood and whoever is upon their way -who are callers to evil and misguidance-, they must fear Allah. They must join the ranks of the Muslims who stand with their leaders and stick to their scholars.

Allah knows best and may the salaat and salaam be upon our Prophet Muhammad.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Shaykh Bāzmūl Warns the Parents of Children Sickened By the Khawārij

The Noble Shaykh Aḥmad Bāzmūl (may Allāh preserve him) stated:  

I direct a warning to the guardians from the fathers, mothers, and other than them, that they pay attention and watch over their children in order that they don’t fall into speaking ill about the scholars and the Muslim rulers, due to which they may fall into the affairs of innovation and evil desires. That which is important, oh guardian, is that you know who are the companions of your child. Are they from the righteous gatherings or are they from the evil gathering?

It’s a mistake (on your part, oh guardian) if you think that the evil companion which you will not let your child accompany is only (limited to) the one who doesn’t pray, the one who smokes or does this or that from the acts of disobedience. Rather, there are those who are more evil than this (person who commits these acts of disobedience) and whose danger is more severe upon your child. That person is the youth whose outward appearance is that of righteousness and goodness. He prays with the Muslims and grows his beard (for example). However, he carries deviant and misgudied theories. He believes that the (Muslim) society is corrupt and not suitable. He believes it’s obligatory to change it and remove those who are presently (in authority). This person is more corrupted than the person of sin. He’s more dangerous than the person of sin, whether it’s regarding an individual or the society.

So that the picture becomes clearer to you, I’m going to mention some matters; if you find your child falling into them, then know that he is accompanying a youth who is not suitable for him to keep company with. Rather, it is obligatory that you keep him away and protect him from them:

  • If you hear your child speaking ill of the committee of Major Scholars, then know that he is with these (corrupted) youth.
  • If you hear your child reviling, cursing, and speaking ill of this country (Saudi Arabia) and its rulers, then know that he is these (corrupted) youth.
  • If you see him accompanying and going out with a group from the youth and there is a youth similar to them in age or slightly older leading them and organizing them and they call him their Amīr (leader), the organizer or the one responsible for them (the youth), then know that he is with these (corrupted) youth.
  • If you see him not going to the ‘Ulamā (Scholars of Islam) and listening to their speech, then know that he is with these (corrupted) youth.
  • If you hear him saying “Jihād, Jihād” and “The ruler is not commanding (the people) with making Jihād”, then know that he is with these (corrupted) youth.
  • If you see him following the news of these individuals who speak ill of this country (Saudi Arabia) from the likes of al-Faqīh and those like him, then know that he is with these (corrupted) youth.
  • If you see him having concern and constantly reading the news papers and magazines and following up on the broadcast and news, then know that he is with these (corrupted) youth.
  • Oh noble parent, I ask Allah ‘azza wa jall to reward our scholars and rulers with all that is good, protect them from all evil and give them the success to be upon that which He loves and is pleased with from the speech and the actions. Likewise I ask Him, glory be to Him, the Most High, that He protects me, you and our children from all bad and evil. May the Ṣalāh and Salām be upon our Prophet Muḥammad, his family and companions.

Notes from Abu Yusuf Khaleefah:

1. Speaking ill of the scholars is a known trait of the Khawārij. They do so in order to discredit the scholars and turn the people away from them, due to the Scholars knowing the reality of the Khawārij and exposing their falsehood.
2. Speaking ill of the rulers is also a known trait of the Khawārij. They speak ill of the rulers in order to rouse the people up against them, up until the point where they declare the Muslim rulers to be Kuffaar without right. As result, the Khawārij justify their rebellion against the Muslim rulers.
3. The scholars of Islam are the inheritors of the Prophets. They inherit the knowledge that the Prophet left behind. With their absence, whether by death or them being abandoned by the people, there will be chaos and turmoil. Both of these are from the methodology of the Khawārij i.e. chaos and turmoil.
4. The Khawārij of our times use media to promote their ideologies and propaganda, distracting the people from the legislated knowledge. These deviant media include combat footage, videos of Muslim children being killed, etc, all in an effort to gain the support and sympathy of the people so that the people can join their corrupted cause.
5. The methodology of the Khawārij in (their so-called) bringing about social rectification opposes the Prophetic methodology in bringing about rectification.
6. The Khawārij are main concerned with the wealth and seat of power, just as their leader Dhul-Khuwaysirah’s concern was the wealth when he said to the Prophet: “Oh Muḥammad be just (in the distribution of the wealth).”
7. The methodology of the Khawaarij is one of secrecy whereas the call of the Prophet Muḥammad sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam was apparent and known.
8. The methodology of the Khawārij causes severing of the ties of kinship based upon falsehood, whereas the methodology of the Prophet Muḥammad sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam preserves the ties of kinship upon the truth and uprightness.
9. The scholars of Islam have long warned against the likes of Usāmah bin Laden, Ayman Ẓawahiri, al-Faqīh, al-Qaidah, and the other leaders of their respective terrorist groups. The scholars of Islam have warned against these criminals as a means of clarifying the truth, refuting falsehood and preserving the stability of the societies.
10. Islam is against terrorism, the killing of innocent souls,  causing corruption in the earth etc. Therefore, it is not befitting to say “Islamic Terrorist” due to the corrupted and ignorant Muslims who commit acts of terror. Rather the blame and fault is to be placed on those individuals and not the religion itself.

Bārak Allāhu fīkum. May the Ṣalāh and Salām be upon the Noble Prophet Muḥammad, his family, his companions, and his followers.

Source: Al-Madārij Fī Kashf Shubuhāt Al-Khawārij, pages 107-108

Written and translated by Abu Yusuf Khaleefah
2nd of Safar, 1437 AH (11/14/2015)

Masjid Nur Allah, Queens, NYC

Friday, October 30, 2015

Shaykh Rabee' On Those Who Rebuke Refutations

The Noble Shaykh Rabee' (may Allah preserve him): 

"Those who rebuke the refutations (and don't  want the refutations against falsehood to be spread), these people are criminals, spreading their falsehood. They do not want anyone to refute them. This is their intent." (Al-Majmoo' 14/281)

Translated by Abu Yusuf Khaleefah

Posted in the Masjid Al Bukhaari WhatsApp room

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Shaikh Khaalid 'Uthmaan on Calling A Salafy a Fattaan (Troublemaker)

Author: Shaikh Khaalid 'Uthmaan (hafithahullah)
Question posed and translated by Nasir Abu Abu Bakr

Q: Ya Shaykhanaa is it permissible -and this problem is frequent in the west- is it permissible for a SALAFY to say about another SALAFY who is well known (for Salafiyyah), to say about him that he is a troublemaker (fattaan); and then when he is asked for the evidence he doesn't give it or just shrugs it off?

A: This is not permissible, ask him for daleel. It is NOT permissible to accuse a Salafy who is a known Salafy of something then give no evidence!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

A Blessed Sitting With Our Noble Shaikh Al 'Allaamah Rabee' Bin Haadee Al Madkhalee (hafithahullah)

All praise is for Allah the Almighty Who allowed us to sit with a scholar from the scholars of Ahlus Sunnah to judge and aid in bringing about resolution to the differing which has been occurring in America over the pass few years between some of the Salafi students of knowledge which as a result adversely effected the Salafis in the West as a whole. This is a summary of the main points of the meeting:

  • Shaikh Rabee' (hafithahullah) welcomed us all into his home and was pleasant towards both parties. 
  • Shaikh Rabee' (hafithahullah) after listening to that which both parties had to say asked Abu Muhammad Al-Jamaiky and Abu Yusuf Khaleefah, “What effect has these warnings had in the dawah?" They both informed him that it caused division between the Salafis. 
  • Shaikh Rabee' (hafithahullah) asked Abu Yusuf Khaleefah and Abu Muhammad Al-Jamaiky, “Do the other brothers from the Du’aat have any bidah with them?” They answered: "No Shaykh, they are Salafiyoon." 
  • Shaikh Rabee' (hafithahullah) mentioned that he does not see from anyone on either sides any Bid'ah (innovation) or Dalaalah (misguidance). Rather, he sees that shaytaan entered between the Salafis and caused division. 
  • Shaykh Rabee’ (hafithahullah) mentioned that both sides are Salafi, calling to Allah and each side should continue giving da’wah and leave off all matters that lead to differing and put the differences under our feet. 
  • Shaikh Rabee' (hafithahullah) commanded that we ALL drop everything and start with a new page between us. The Shaykh mentioned that this is for ALL parties involved on BOTH sides.   
  • Shaikh Rabee' (hafithahullah) commanded that the warnings stop and that both parties only speak about each other with good. 
  • Shaikh Rabee' (hafithahullah) commanded that ANY and ALL warnings that are online must come down and be removed. The Shaikh (hafithahullah) stressed ALL by putting both hands to his face and flinging them back.
  • Shaikh Rabee' (hafithahullah) was asked by Abu Muhammad Al-Jamaiky for permission to spread his speech online. The Shaikh (hafithahullah) replied saying, “Spread it.”
  • At the end of the meeting the son of Shaikh Rabee' (hafithahullah) placed emphasis that the speech of his father is general and to everyone; to those students who were present and to those students who were not present.

Those present in this meeting
Shaikh Rabee' Ibn Haadee Al Madkhalee (hafithahullah)
‘Umar Ibn Rabee’ Al Madkhalee
Hasan Somali 
Abu Yusuf Khaleefah 
Abu Muhammad Nādir Al-Jamaiky 
And others
17th Night of Rajab/ 5th of May 2015

Translated by:
Abu Muhammad Nādir Al-Jamaiky
Abu Yusuf Khaleefah
Abu ‘Abdis Salaam Siddiq Al Juyaanee 

Friday, July 24, 2015

Important Advice from the Imaam of Criticism and Praise, the 'Allaamah Rabee' Al-Madkhali حفظه الله for his Children Everywhere - dated 7 Shawwaal, 1436h.

بِسْم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمد لله و الصلاة و السلام على رسول الله و على آله و صحبه و من اتبع هداه
أما بعد

Indeed I advise myself and all of the Muslims, and the Salafis especially, to have Taqwaa of Allah The Glorified and Most High. And to cling to the Rope of Allah The Mighty and Majestic. And to establish brotherhood between the Salafis especially. And that they stick together and have cooperation between each other upon Righteousness and Taqwaa. And that they stay far away from the causes of differing. May Allah bless you all. Because this tarnishes the Dawah of the Salafis, tarnishes their image, and makes their enemies happy.

So I advise the Salafis to have Taqwaa of Allah The Glorified and Most High. And to strive adamantly in establishing love, brotherhood, mercy, and closeness between themselves. And to stay away from the causes of differing. And whoever makes an error from the Salafis, he should NOT be defamed openly. Rather, he should only be advised by those people of sound intellect and correct knowledge; he should be advised with wisdom and a good admonition. 

I advise my brothers, especially from Britain, to establish brotherhood with their Salafi brothers in Kuwait, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in Egypt, in Sudan, and in all directions of the Islamic World. And if a group from Kuwait or somewhere else comes to them, they should welcome them with all respect and pride, and they must not fear from anyone. So there is no fear in that; may Allah bless you all. So Shaytaan makes you fearful and scared of so-and-so and so-and-so; so do not fear except Allah The Glorified and Most High.

Have respect for each other and have respect for your Kuwaiti brothers, those who have made tremendous efforts in establishing your Dawah, spreading it, and aiding it; so do not disregard that good service.

May Allah aid you, rectify your mistakes, bless you, bring your hearts together, and turn away every evil from us and you. 

و صلى الله على نبينا محمد و على آله و صحبه و سلم

This speech came from me on the night of the 7th of Shawwaal of the year 1436. 

I emphasize to those brothers who are verbally attacking each other and exchanging bad speech these days that they must have Taqwaa of Allah and be ashamed by these evil actions. There is not any patience, there is not any gentleness, there is not any, there is not any. 

However, the Salafi Dawah is established upon these foundations: patience, gentleness, tolerance, and to the end of the list. So if an individual makes an error, don't refute him, remain silent, advise him between yourselves, and abandon these altercations. Be shy of Allah The Mighty and Majestic, respect each other, and do not tarnish this Salafi Dawah with these evil altercations. Have Taqwaa of Allah in regards to yourselves and in regards to this Dawah. 

و صلى الله على نبينا محمد و على آله و صحبه و سلم

Source of Translation

إذاعة النهج الواضح

Asking the People for Money for the Purpose of Da’wah?

It was asked to the 'Allaamah, Shaikh Rabee' Ibn Haadee Al Madhkhali:

Q: Our Shaikh Muqbil founded the da’wah salafiyyah here in Yemen based upon self sufficiency and he authored a book titled “The blameworthiness of asking.” Our question is: Some of the callers sometimes ask the people money for the purpose of Da’wah. So what is the criteria in asking from the people for the purpose of Da’wah?

A: In any case, May Allah have Mercy upon Shaikh Muqbil and I ask Allah to succeed him with good in Yemen and other than Yemen. For verily this person, may Allah have Mercy on him, reminds us of the asceticism of the Salaf, their abstinence, their honor and rank, their refusal (to accept monies from the people) and their courage in speaking a statement of truth. And the Da’wah Salafiyyah was elevated and spread in Yemen and (people) were cured by it and (he) left for them great goodness. We ask Allah to bless his students and to bring forth from them many like him (Shaikh Muqbil); for verily, by Allah, he was an model in piety and abstinence and refusal of worldly matters. And he was given insight (by Allah) when he used to refuse money and warned against asking people. And I am reminded that he used to launch a fierce attack on anyone who collected money in his (Shaikh Muqbil’s) name. So he used to not compromise in this matter, may Allah bless him. 

And is NOT a necessity to approach, people asking them in the name of da’wah; the Salaf never did that. And Ahmad ibn Hanbal rahimahullah, did he stretch out his hand asking the people for the purpose of da’wah? He used to refuse money – and he is cited as a model of abstinence in his refusal and dignity when he traveled to 'Abdur Razzaaq from Iraq to San’aa. On the way, he and his companion, Yahya Ibn Ma’een, performed Hajj and found 'Abdur Razzaaq in Makkah. So ibn Ma’een said to Ahmad,

“Here is 'Abdur Razzaaq. Allah has brought him to us so we do not need to travel.” 

Ahmad replied,

“I have made the intention to travel to San’aa so I will not return.” 

Then he traveled to Sanaa and on the way he ran out of money. When his companions found out, they offered him monetary assistance. But Imam Ahmad refused and instead opted to work as a porter for the bedouin camel owners, carrying loads on his back – and he was an Imam rahimahullah. He saw that porterage, work and eating from the sweat of ones own hands was better by thousands of times than taking money from the people; because the upper hand is the one that gives and the lower hand is the one that receives.  

Ahmad did not want his hand to be the lower one, may Allah be pleased with him. So I advise the scholars and the students of knowledge to return towards the biographies of the nobility of the Salaf and let them be aware that eagerness to seek money is from the most dangerous of dangers upon the Da’wah Salafiyyah. And the proof of that is that the current fitnah was sparked because of money, may Allah bless you, when some people started stretching their hands out to this Jam’iyyah and that Jam’iyyah (charity organization). So week refuge with Allah from the fitnah of money. Verily it is fitnah, by Allah. And by Allah, it is but a very small number of students who come out of the masjid and are self sufficient, noble and honored  and (these) are better than millions and millions of those ‘students of money’ and those destroyed by the dunya (worldly matters). So we advise the Salafi youth and the scholars from amongst them to return towards the biographies of the Salaf. As they (the Salaf) raised the banner of the Sunnah, so to they also raised the banner of honour, nobility, asceticism, abstinence and the dislike of chasing after the dunya. By Allah, nothing has harmed the Da’wah Salafiyyah in Yemen more than the exposure of money and the panting after it and it has given rise to this fitnah now. 

And money is a strong arrow in igniting the fire of trials. Unless there is repentance to Allah and returning to Allah and brotherhood for the sake of Allah. We advise them with calling one another to the truth and calling one another to patience in every difficulty of life. 

{And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to the patient ones} (Al Baqarah:155). 

And by Allah, verily the Salaf did not bring this da’wah to us by way of tender, soft money and vessels. But they brought it to us by their asceticism, abstinence and turning away (from wealth), may Allah be pleased with them. So we advise the Salafees in EVERY place and in Yemen especially – that Yemen which Allah has raised in it the banner of the Sunnah: That they guard this da’wah (because) if money was to come to them, it will spoil that which is between them; so it is upon them to kick it away with their legs. They should traverse upon their path honored and enobled spreading the noble clean da’wah of Allah.

[Questions from the youth of Aden regarding the Fitnah of Abil Hassan]

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Upon Whom is the Fast of Ramadhaan Obligatory?

Author: Imaam ‘Abdul-‘Azeez bin Baaz (rahimahullah)
Source: ‘Tuhfat-ul-Akhwaani bi-Ajwibah Muhimmah Tata’alluqu bi-Arkaan-il-Islaami Page 159-160

Question: Upon whom is the fast of Ramadhaan obligatory and what are its benefits and the benefits of voluntary fasting?

Answer: The fast of Ramadhaan is obligatory upon every morally responsible Muslim from amongst the men and women, and it is preferred for the one who has reached seven years of age or older and who are able from amongst the male and female. It is incumbent upon the guardians over them to command them to fast when they have the ability to do so, just as they order them to perform the five daily prayers.

The basis for this is in the Statement of Allah the Mighty & Majestic:

“O You who believe fasting has been prescribed on you just as it was prescribed on those before you so perhaps you will be god-fearing.  Observe the appointed number of days but whoever amongst you is sick or on a journey then make up the days missed.” [Sooratul Baqarah: 183-184]

Up until the Statement of the Most High:

“The month of Ramadhaan in which the Quran was revealed as guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion therefore whoever amongst you witnesses the crescent then fast and whoever is sick or on a journey then make up the days missed.” [Soorat Baqarah: 185]

And the statement of the Prophet (may the peace & blessings of Allah be upon him):

Islam is built upon five: to testify that there is nothing worthy or worship except for Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger, to pray, to pay the Alms Tax, to fast in Ramadhaan and to make pilgrimage to the House of Allah.) 

Its authenticity if agreed upon by both Bukhaaree and Muslim from the narration of Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with them both.)

In addition to his statement (may the peace & blessings of Allah be upon him) when Jibraaeel asked him about Islam: 

Islam is to bear witness that nothing is worthy or worship except for Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger, to establish the prayer, to give the Alms Tax, to fast in Ramadhaan and to make pilgrimage to the House of Allah when one is able to do so.

It has been related by Muslim in his Saheeh from the narration of ‘Umar bin al-Khataab (may Allah be pleased with him) and the two Shaykhs (Bukhaaree & Muslim) have set forth its meaning from the narration of Aboo Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him).

And in the two Saheehs from Aboo Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) from the Prophet (may the peace & blessings of Allah be upon him) that he said: 

Whoever fasts in the month of Ramadhaan with full conviction and seeking only Allah’s reward then whatever he has brought forth of sins will be forgiven.

And it was established from him (may Allah be pleased with him) that he said: 

Allah Mighty & Majestic says: All of the actions of the Children of Adam are for him, the good he does is rewarded with ten like it up to seven hundred portions except for fasting, that action is for Me, I reward for it being done, one leaves off his desires and drink for My Sake, the fasting person has two moments of happiness (due to fasting); the moment of happiness when he breaks his fast and the moment of happiness when he will meet his Lord, the foul stench from the mouth of the one who fasts is better to Allah than the scent of Musk.

Its authenticity if agreed upon by both Bukhaaree and Muslim.

As for the prophetic narrations concerning the benefits of fasting in Ramadhaan and the benefits of fasting overall then they are many and well known and Allah is the Protector of Success. 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

What is the Ruling Concerning the Use of Toothpaste, Ear, Nose and Eye Drops While one is Fasting?

Taken from Tuhfat-ul-Akhwaani bi-Ajwibah Muhimmah Tata’alluqu bi-Arkaan-il-Islaami, Page 175
Answered by ash-Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez bin Baaz (rahimahullah) 

Question: What is the ruling concerning the use of toothpaste, ear drops, nose drops and eye drops while one is fasting? If the one who is fasting detects the taste of these in his throat what should he do?

Answer: Cleaning the teeth with toothpaste does not break ones fast even when using the Siwaak, though one must make sure not to let anything get into his stomach, but if anything should happen to get into the stomach unintentionally then this does not break the fast. Likewise eye and ear drops do not break ones fast according to the most correct statement of the ‘Ulamaa.

If one detects the taste of the drops in his throat, the ruling is for one to be cautious and mindful but it is not obligatory since these drops do not access the stomach like food and drink do, as for nose drops then they are not permissible to use since they can enter the stomach so due to this the Prophet (may the peace & blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

"When you make Istinshaaq (to snort water into the nose while making ablution) then snort the water excessively unless you are fasting."

So the ruling applies to the one who does this based on the narration and by what has been conveyed from its meaning, if one should detect its taste in the throat and Allah is the Protector of Success.

(End of the Shaykhs words)

And ash-Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee al-Waadi’ee (rahimahullah) was asked: What is the ruling concerning the following: Using Siwaak and toothpaste?

Answer: As for using the Siwaak made of al-Araak then there is no harm in it even if it is still green, but in regards to using toothpaste then we advise that it not be utilized during Ramadhaan, we do not have evidence that it breaks ones fast but it is incumbent that one prevents anything from passing into his stomach, the Prophet (may the peace & blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

"When you make Istinshaaq (to snort water into the nose while making ablution) then snort the water excessively unless you are fasting."

Because when one is fasting he should fear water getting through to his stomach.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

What is the Ruling for a Person Who Forgetfully Eats or Drinks During the Day in Ramadhaan?

[Q]: “What is the ruling for a person who forgetfully eats or drinks during the day [in Ramadhaan]?”

Imaam Ibn Baaz, may Allah have mercy on him, answered:

There is no harm on him, and his fast is correct. This is due to Allah Subahaana's, statement at the end of Surah al-Baqarah: 

‘Our Lord! Punish us not if we forget or fall into error.’ [Surah al-Baqarah: 286]

And it has been authentically reported from the Messenger of Allah, may exalt his mention and grant him safety, that: 

“Allah -glorified is He from imperfection- said: 

‘I have answered this supplication. (i.e. Our Lord! Punish us not if we forget or fall into error.)

His fast is also correct due to what has been established on Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him; that the Prophet, may Allah exalt his mention and grant him safety, said: 

‘Whoever eats and drinks forgetfully while he is fasting, let him continue and complete his fast. Allah is the one who provided him with food and drink.’ [al-Bukhaaree and Muslim]

This ruling also goes for forgetfully having intercourse. The stronger of two statements presented by the scholars is that the fast is considered correct. The proof is the aforementioned verse and the previously mentioned noble hadeeth.

Another evidence is the Messenger’s, may Allah exalt his mention and grant him safety, statement: 

‘Whoever forgetfully breaks his fast during Ramadhaan, he does not have to make up that day nor is there an expiation.’ [Authenticated by Shaykh Al-Albaanee, Jaami’ as-Saheeh, #6080]

This wording is general, and it includes intercourse and other things that break one’s fast, if one were to do them forgetfully.

This is from the mercy, grace, and kind treatment of Allah. Therefore, He deserves all praise and thanks due to such favors. 

[‘Abdul-‘Azeez Ibn Baaz, Tuhfatul-Ikhwaan, 116-117]

Posted in the Masjid Al Bukhaari WhatsApp room

Refutations Must be Knowledge Based

Abu ‘Abdis Salaam Siddiq al-Juyaanee narrated:

By the Mercy of Allah we had the pleasure of having lunch with Shaikh Fu’aad al-‘Amree (hafithahullah). The Shaikh (hafithahullah) told us that learning, practicing and calling to Allah is the life of the student. He encouraged us (Abu Yusuf Khaleefah, Abu Muhammad al-Jamayki, and myself) to be patient and to continue to call to Allah, give Da’wah, and to cling to the Salafi methodology.
From the benefits the Shaikh shared with us is that he reminded us that even when refuting falsehood, refutations have to be done with honor and in a respectful manner. He mentioned that refutations must be knowledge based and void of name calling and disrespectful expressions. He mentioned that when these terms are violated, the common folk are ill-effected by this bad behavior and in turn imitate it.
Shaykh Fu’aad (hafithahullah) mentioned that Yahyaa al-Hajoori’s refutation of Ma’ribee was not knowledge based. He mentioned the disgusting behavior of Yahyaa al-Hajoori and how he would often say when refuting, “Urinate upon this one, urinate upon this and urinate upon that etc.”
He mentioned that even Yahyaa himself acknowledged this when narrating, and mentioned incidents that took place between a tape merchant and his patron. The customer naively asked if the merchant had a cassette tape of a certain deviant speaker to which the merchant replied, “Do you want the tapes with urine on them or the tapes which are urine free?”
SubhaanAllah, look at the ill behavior that is learned when bad examples such as al-Hajoori are looked up to and followed. Refutations must be knowledge based.

Source: Written by Abu ‘Abdis Salaam Siddiq al-Juyaanee
5th of Rajab, 1436 H (04-24-2015)
Those who witnessed and were present at the lunch:

Shaikh Fu’aad al-‘Amree (hafithahullah)
Abu Yusuf Khaleefah
Abu Muhammad Naadir al-Jamayki
Abu Sufyaan Samir
Abu ‘Abdis Salaam Siddiq al-Juyaanee

Dealing with the Mistakes of Ahlus Sunnah

Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Umar Baazmool (may Allah preserve him) stated:

It is not from the manhaj of the Salaf to deal with the mistakes of Ahlus Sunnah like (we) deal with the people of innovation. For indeed every child of Aadam makes mistakes. So the manhaj of the person is to be looked into and the mistake which has taken place from him is to be dealt with upon that basis.

Translated by Abu Yusuf Khaleefah
4th of Rajab, 1436 H (04-23-2015)
Masjid Nur Allah, Queens, NYC

Follow the Truth, Not the People

Allah said:

 { أُولَٰئِكَ الَّذِينَ هَدَى اللَّهُ ۖ فَبِهُدَاهُمُ اقْتَدِهْ }“Those are the ones whom Allah had guided, so follow their guidance.”

Allah said, “Follow their guidance” and he didn’t say, “Follow them.”

That’s because the point of benefit is by way of the methodology and not by the people. Do not stay fanatically with a caller or a rectifier if he deviates from the truth. Indeed the truth is not by way of an abundance of men, it is only by way of being in accordance to the Kitaab and Sunnah.

Source: ash-Sharh al-Mumti’ 4/379 by Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy upon him)

Translated by Abu Yusuf Khaleefah
29th of Jumaada ath-Thaani, 1436 H (04-18-2015)
Masjid Nur Allah, Queens, NYC

Problematic Affairs Require Investigation

The Noble Shaykh Rabee’ was asked:
Is declaring someone to be thiqah (reliable), similar to the information he carries, something that’s specifically for the scholars, or is it for every reliable person even if he is not a scholar, like the students of knowledge as an example?
Shaykh Rabee’ (may Allah preserve him) responded:
I will give details (in my response) to this question. If the matter is apparent like the Raafidah, then yes it is for the students of knowledge (to pass a ruling). As for those problematic affairs which are in need of investigation, then this is specifically for the ‘ulamaa.

Translated by Abu Yusuf Khaleefah
6th of Rajab, 1436 H (04-25-2015)
Masjid Nur Allah, Queens, NYC